Dementia Research Paper

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Running head: IMPLEMENTING MUSIC THERAPY TO DECREASE AGITATION AND ANXIETY IN DEMENTIA PATIENTS IMPLEMENTING MUSIC THERAPY TO DECREASE AGITATION AND ANXIETY IN DEMENTIA PATIENTS 21 Implementing Music Therapy to Decrease Agitation and Anxiety in Dementia Patients Stephanie Willis, BSN, RN-BC, CDP Loyola University Chicago Abstract Behavioral and psychological symptoms, such as agitation and anxiety, are common problems for patients suffering from dementia. Although music therapy is considered a non-pharmacological intervention for the management of BPSD, its effectiveness remains unclear. This review aimed to investigate the effects of music therapy on agitation, anxiety and cognitive function older adult…show more content…
This review will synthesize the literature specific to the implementation of music therapy to decrease agitation and anxiety in dementia patients. Studies examined will include music therapy used to decrease anxiety, music therapy methods used to decrease agitation and additional benefits associated with music therapy for the dementia patient population. The goal of the current study was to systematically review the published literature to determine the effect of music therapy on agitation and anxiety in the older adult dementia…show more content…
Sung et al., 2010 Pretest and Posttest design Skilled nursing facility 29 skilled nursing facility residents with dementia The experimental group allowed the participants to listen to their preferred music using a compact disc for 30 minutes twice a week over a period of six weeks. The control group received the standard of care without emphasis on musical intervention. Participants in the experimental group had a statistically significant decrease in mean RAID scores. The experimental mean anxiety score prior to music therapy implementation was 10.93; whereas, after six weeks of musical intervention the mean anxiety score declined to 8.93. The experimental group experienced a significantly lower anxiety score after the six week study (p s Disease.?Experimental Aging Research,?39(5), 536-564. Lin, Y., Chu, H., Yang, C., Chen, C., Chen, S., Chang, H., & Chou, K. (2011). Effectiveness of group music intervention against agitated behavior in elderly persons with dementia.?International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry,?26(7), 670-678.? Miner, S. (2011). Gerontological Nursing (Ed. 4). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier

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