National Education Policy

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1. Constitutional Safeguards: In 26 November, 1949, The Constitution of India states in the Preface that everyone has the right to equality of status and opportunity. In Article 45 (86th Amendment) Act 2002, has been passed by the parliament making education a fundamental right of all children in the age group of 6–14 years. 2. Kothari Commission (1964–66): The Kothari Commission has emphasized on a common school system for all children of India whether they belong to any caste, religion, community, economic and social status. National Education Policy (1968) also recommended the development of educational facilities for disabled children (physically and mentally) as well as to develop an 'integrated program' for the study in regular schools.…show more content…
National Health Policy (1982): It provides a broad network of health services by which persons with disabilities are included in a small part of the program. Through this, reservation in government jobs, concession of travel, income tax exemption, exemption of customs duty on electronic aids, pension schemes and similar facilities for the mentally retarded children of government employees are provided. 4. National Policy on Education (NPE) – 1986: Section 4.9 of NPE policy is basically focused on the needs of children with disabilities. Its general purpose should be to integrate physically and mentally disabled people in equal proportion, enabling them to live normal life with courage and confidence. Under Integrated Education, for the benefit of beneficiaries such as books, stationary, uniform, transport allowances and reader allowance, and boarding, benefits for housing fees for children in the hostel, provision of the allowances of subsidiaries. 5. Integrated Education of Disabled Children (IEDC): IEDC provides educational opportunities for the disabled children in general schools, to facilitate their retention in school system, and also facilitate the admission of such children in general schools who are already in special schools and acquire the communication skills and the daily life skills at the functional…show more content…
National Policy for Persons with Disabilities-(2006): This policy recognizes that disable persons are valuable human for the country and have equal rights & opportunities and full involvement of society. Major focused areas are: Education of disable person, promote to develop assistive devices, provide of barrier-free environment, promote research. Main features of the policy for various disabilities are- 1. Adapt suitable methods of teaching, 2. availability of technical system at common centers/schools, 3. availability of appropriate educational softwares, programmes, Braille books, talking books, 4. Establishment of libraries, e-libraries, Braille-libraries and talking books libraries, resource rooms, 5. Sign language, Alternative & Augmentative Communications and other modes as a viable medium in inter personal communication will be recognized, standardized and popularized. In the era of knowledge society, computers play very important role. Efforts will be made so that every child with disability gets suitably exposed to the use of computers. 10. National Knowledge commission (2009): The goal of all schools should be inclusive education i.e. all systems can be reached to children with different needs and abilities. This requires a lot of change in infrastructure and academic methods. In school buildings, there should be provision for the use and navigation for the visually impaired, physically handicapped etc. In case of classrooms situation, teachers should be trained,

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