2. Explain the social, cultural, political, and policy context surrounding the problem situation identified in above question. Answer: Policies National Policies on Education At the time of adoption of Constitution in 1950 the aim was to achieve the goal of Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) within the next ten years. The directive principles mentioned in Article 45 endeavored to provide free and compulsory education for all children until they complete the age of 14 fourteen years
Education is one of the powerful instruments known for reducing poverty, inequality and for laying the basis for sustained economic growth. It raises the productivity and efficiency of individuals and produces skilled manpower that is capable of leading economic development. Tuan (2009) as cited in Dorleku (2013) described education as a process through which the intellectual, moral capacities, proper conduct, and technical competency of individuals are developed to make them cultural members of
Education is an active agent of social change. The instructive outlook in the present scenario has undergone most important revisions over the years. The term ‘inclusive education’ has become so used and abused that it has little meaning. Its application to everything from school effectiveness to civil rights to political manifestos renders it vacuous and susceptible to those critiques which accuse it of masking inadequacies (Jenny Corbett(year). The Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE 1944)
The environmental impact assessment in India was started in 1976-77 when the Planning Commission asked the then Department of Science and Technology to examine the river-valley projects from environmental angle. This was subsequently extended to cover those projects, which required approval of the Public Investment Board. These were administrative decisions, and lacked the legislative support. The Government of India enacted the Environment (Protection) Act on 23rd May 1986. To achieve the objectives
0 months to 11 years old, when their brain begins to develop, grow, and absorb more information. [1] According to Petress’ article, The Importance in Music Education, ‘success in society, success in school, success in developing intelligence, and success in life’ are achievable and beneficial to any children that has access to music education. [2] In my opinion although I started learning at the age of 15, it was through discipline and daily practice that I able to somehow learn the basics of playing
whether the National Policy on Religion and Education supports the SACE statement as mentioned in question one of assignment 2. After carefully scrutinizing the SACE Code of Conduct statement in the assignment, I contend that the National Policy on Religion and Education does support the statement in the SACE Code of Conduct and my reasons for this will be discussed in detail below. Firstly it would be important to have an understanding of what the SACE code conduct and the National policy on Religion
EDUCATIONAL POLICY OF PAKISTAN: The first National Education Conference was convened in 1947 in Karachi where basic guidelines for future development were provided. The 3 dimensions are: spiritual, social and vocational. The committee proposed free and compulsory primary education from the age of 3 to 11 years as rate of illiteracy was at 85%. The recommendation for next 5 years was to be spent on planning, recruitment of teachers and training, but was not implemented due to lack of administrative
The contribution of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) haves been increasingly played a significant role in the general production and transmission of knowledge through research activity, and training of the new generation of academics and researchers. Research universities in particular are the epicenter of the 21st century global knowledge economy and society, that serve as flagships of postsecondary education worldwide (Aaltbach and Salmi 2011) . In addition, to their creation of knowledge,
According to the research, results at a micro level show improvements while at a national level improvements are unable to be noticed. This is because the number of primary school children out of school is 8.3 million out of which boys account for 3.8m and girls 4.5m. So the reality is that compulsory education is not actually being given or delivered to all as what was stated. The availability and quality of schooling is not available to all genders equally. Boys are basically outnumbering the girls
Child and it can be violated only after following the procedure established by law. (Art.21) The Constitution provides for the right to education for all Children upto 14 years of age. Free and compulsory education is guaranteed to all Children. The Supreme Court held that liberty includes livelihood and the right to live with dignity which includes right to education. (Art 21-A) The Constitution prohibits trafficking in human beings and beggar and forced labour .(Art.23) The Constitution prohibits