Importance Of Child Protection

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The Convention affords protection to Children who are affected by armed conflict. Children below 15 years of age cannot be allowed to join the army or in warfare. Child affected by war in the war zone must be given special protection. The Convention makes provision for the rehabilitation of Children who are victims of exploitation, neglect, torture, abuse, or put in prison. Such Child victim should be provided special assistance to regain physical ,mental health and become an able member of the society again. The Convention makes provision for the juveniles. Legal assistance should be provided to the juvenile and imprisonment should be given for serious offences. The Convention encourages respect for higher human rights standards. The Convention…show more content…
Constitutional provisions dealing with the Child: The Constitution of India makes elaborate provisions for the rights of the Child with the aim of the all round development of the Child and protection of the Child from exploitation. The fundamental rights and the directives in the Constitution provide for various Child rights. The Constitution guarantees to the Child equality before law and equal protection of the laws. (Art.14) The Constitution provides that the state can make special provisions for Children. (Art.15(3) ) The Constitution of India guarantees the right to life and personal liberty to the Child and it can be violated only after following the procedure established by law. (Art.21) The Constitution provides for the right to education for all Children upto 14 years of age. Free and compulsory education is guaranteed to all Children. The Supreme Court held that liberty includes livelihood and the right to live with dignity which includes right to education. (Art 21-A) The Constitution prohibits trafficking in human beings and beggar and forced labour .(Art.23) The Constitution prohibits the employment of Children below 14 years in hazardous employment. (Art…show more content…
(Art.51-A (k)) Legislations dealing with Child: The Parliament of India has used the power of supplementary legislation conferred by the Constitution to give effect o the various provisions of the constitution dealing with Child. The result is that the Parliament has passed a number of legislations concerning the Child. The Guardian and Wards Act 1890: The Act deals with guardians of the Child appointed by the court. Their appointment, qualifications and removal are governed by this Act. This Act applies to Children of all religions. The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006: The Act contains various provisions for prohibiting Child marriages by laying minimum age for boys and girls. This Act applies to Children of all religions. The Orphanages and Other Charitable Homes (Supervision And Control) Act 1960: The Act deals with orphanages and homes for Children, their supervision and control. The Apprentices Act 1961: The Act deals with the qualifications of a person over 14 years of age who is to undergo apprenticeship training in any particular

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