Education In South Africa Case Study

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Education is one of the powerful instruments known for reducing poverty, inequality and for laying the basis for sustained economic growth. It raises the productivity and efficiency of individuals and produces skilled manpower that is capable of leading economic development. Tuan (2009) as cited in Dorleku (2013) described education as a process through which the intellectual, moral capacities, proper conduct, and technical competency of individuals are developed to make them cultural members of their societies. Education has the potential to change the world, individual’s lifestyle and can determine both the direction and rate of economic development (Yusa 2012). Education in South Africa is governed by two national departments, namely the department of Basic…show more content…
Some of these institutions are considered comprehensive and others are universities of technology with ninety-four privately registered colleges and universities (Shambare 2011). Comprehensive universities are also known as regional public universities offering undergraduate and master’s degrees from a minimum of three to four years (Olwel 2011). In South Africa, students who enrol in universities need to have passed National Senior Certificate (matric) with very good marks which meet the list of specific requirements for them to gain entrance. Comprehensive universities offer courses that focus on theoretical training in a specialised field. On the other hand, universities of technology offer mainly diploma and certificate courses, but also degree courses that take about three years to complete. Entrance requirements vary depending on the course that the student want to enrol in. University of Technology places emphasis on innovative problem-solving courses that are designed to be career orientated and practical with experimental learning (Farham

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