Gender Education In Education

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According to the research, results at a micro level show improvements while at a national level improvements are unable to be noticed. This is because the number of primary school children out of school is 8.3 million out of which boys account for 3.8m and girls 4.5m. So the reality is that compulsory education is not actually being given or delivered to all as what was stated. The availability and quality of schooling is not available to all genders equally. Boys are basically outnumbering the girls at primary level and at secondary level it is even higher with a GPI (Gender Parity Index) of 0.78. Also due to cultural norms we see signs of inequality where in some areas girls are not allowed to go out and attend school contribute to the GPI.…show more content…
Firstly the Government of Pakistan is the largest provider of education. These public schools offer a national curriculum and have their own examination board. Even though Government is the main provider, a lot of private schools have also grown throughout time. These schools offer their teaching in English which makes it a desirable option to the parents. The curriculums being offered is national, and Cambridge system. Deni madrasa’s are the third form of schooling that give Islamic education. Mostly these are private and serve many poor families towards getting education. The madrasa’s are funded by public and Government. Due to many education systems and providers, this makes the system more difficult towards the quality outcomes of Pakistan’s. The National curriculum was yet to implement new changes to meet better standards in 2011, but due to lack of unavailability of textbooks they were failing to make reforms. Also the way of teaching and learning process children go through vary. Students are taught to memorize most of their learning which in return don’t give the best outcomes such leaning makes students lack in being dynamic, creative and rational thinking, hence students are getting a poor quality of education. Due to teachers spending less time on real class room teaching, students are less…show more content…
Pakistan suffers from a lack of compatibility between its policy formulation and implementation. Ali (2006) gave the following reasons: Unclear policy goals, lack of political commitment, faulty governance structures, lack of resources, and dependency on foreign aid. Also premature loadbearing is a reason contributing towards policy failure. Pakistan’s 5 year National Educational Policies and their plans were produced and passed, also side by side a series of National Education Policies were also introduced at each government’s time. As a result all the polies being introduced had remained unfulfilled and not even one policy managed to get implemented. Other reasons are because Pakistan’s government kept changing hands and Pakistan was under military ruling for 3 decades which did not continue to implement the proposed policies. Pakistan’s lack of resources is also one reason as to why they could not implement the policy plans. Contributing to this is also the inappropriate use of their resources towards failure of policy measure. All the above mentioned has resulted the system to be weak and not be able to provide the right skills, and training that the youth will need for their employment opportunities and hence low literacy achievement is

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