My Personal Experience: My Experience In The World

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Day 1 I begin my day like almost every other office worker. I have a routine that I have already mastered because I have been doing it for the past three years. I wake up and get out of bed. I try to run when I can but most of the time I just exercise at home. I drink a cup of coffee and race through my breakfast. I brush my teeth while the shower is heating up. I choose what to wear among the only five appropriate work clothes that I own. I receive a call everyday at around 7:30 from my mother who lives in Taiwan. I check the mail, grab my wallet and keys, and I drive to work while hoping that I won’t come in late. I work as a Payroll Specialist for a multinational financial software corporation. People come and talk to me only because…show more content…
Gigi and I barely spoke for the first two weeks of the business trip because our schedules were very hectic. They also included a short scheduled trip to Osaka for Gigi and to Kobe for me. My parents also came to visit and they insisted that they would like to meet Gigi. We had lunch and she looks like someone who you would really want to introduce to your Mom. She wore this dress that had the image of a cherry blossom all over that she paired with a nice set of heels that do not look flirtatious at all. She was pleasant and was extremely sweet to my mother. They also went on a shopping spree together and my mom felt like she had another teenage daughter since my sisters are all well into their…show more content…
I was surprised at her question and she eventually told me that her mother passed away when she was 11. She looked at me intently and said, “How does it feel to grow up with a complete family?” I told her that I would sometimes get suffocated by my mother as she is very affectionate and smothers me and my siblings too much but she is pretty cool, too. My father shows his affection that way, too. They attended all our graduation ceremonies, birthdays, PTA meetings, and even our doctor’s appointment until we were well into our 20’s. My sisters spoiled me, too. Athena and Bonnie always treated me like a baby even up to this point. I guess I can attribute my passiveness from my childhood. I was not the kind to speak up so I just let other people decide for me. Gigi suddenly told me the reason why she missed the first day meeting. “I missed the meeting because I can’t get myself to go out of the house during her birthday. The CEO suggested that I take the trip so that I can take my mind off of it but no matter where I was, I just can’t.” She stopped in the middle of her words but continued and said, “I love your mom and dad, though. Tell Gary and Andrea that I am very thankful that they were extremely nice to me. I now know why you turned out to be amazing. You were raised by really lovely people.” Gigi winked at me and left. I started to understand why Gigi always has her moments. I

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