Those Living In America Analysis

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Reflection My experience in writing this essay was an extremely difficult one. I thought that picking a topic very dear to me would make the process of writing easier but it actually seems to be making things a bit more complicated. Rather than being okay with having a bad first draft and just getting my ideas out on paper, I spent of lot time editing my thoughts before they could even make it into text. Writing about a topic that means something personal to me gave me writer’s block because I really wanted to represent it well. I found a great deal of research on the particular countries I was interested in researching, which was a bit of a surprise. However, there is much less information available about individuals’ missions within those…show more content…
Though we may find ourselves still occasionally judged by others for our beliefs, we are still legally protected to have those beliefs. Religion, in particular, is something that we are allowed to decide for ourselves. Others living in numerous nations are not so lucky. Christians living in countries ruled by dictators or that have fallen into a desperate state run by militant groups, live with the constant pressure of being persecuted by more than just ridicule or societal judgment. They struggle under the reality that they may lose their occupation, home, family, or life for choosing to follow their personal beliefs. This not only makes life difficult for these individuals but also for Christian missionaries who have come to these nations to share the Gospel of Christ. Missionaries devote their lives to sharing a truth that they value more than the fear of loss or…show more content…
My next step in the process of finding answers is to explore personal experience of people from these nations that are sharing their stories. Also, I want to be able to delve more into the struggles of Christian missionaries trying to reach these affected people groups. Driving my further research will be questions such as, “how do missionaries go about gaining entry into persecutory nations and access to resources there?” and “what is being done, and by who, to promote liberty for Christians in foreign nations?”. Gather information on the treatment of individuals in these countries may prove to be easier than learning about the missionaries that go to do work in these nations. In some cases, they don’t share certain information about their missions to foreign nations because of the confidentiality and secrecy that goes into successfully witnessing without being endangered. My hope is to be able to speak with people I know who work in foreign missions to get that critical information on how they reach those in need of Christ in the most effective way
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