My Hero's Journey

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It was 1972 and there were five of them, but in the coming years there will be seven. They all embarked on a journey with the obedience of kids on the wish of their mother. In the fateful year where oil was .32, my future began. My grandmother will make the choice to put a little adventure in her life and move from the Windy City to the Motor City. There were five siblings crammed on a greyhound bus with others. My mother was the oldest at 10, my aunt Ann was 8, my uncle Tommy was 6, my aunt Margaret was 4 and my aunt Priscilla was 2. It was an eight-hour drive that will change their lives, and consequently the lives of those yet not born. The motive of the move was my great-aunt, Shay. Even though she was carefree, with her sky high seventies Afro, she was a rock to her little sister. When she got married, she decided to move to Detroit where the car industry was doing good and the job booming. My grandmother, Alberta wasn’t one to be easily swayed by the thought of failing in a new endeavor. Even though at 29, her countenance was pleasant and yet not marred by age, she was still very stubborn and didn’t balk at the chance at a new life. With five kids, she went against the wishes of her formidable mom, when she herself was only short and petite, a drastic difference between mother and daughter. It was rather simple for her. She wanted to be independent. She declared her independence.…show more content…
As my mom tells it, she absolutely loved Detroit. They started off on the East side and moved into a nice, white, three bedroom house. It was a pleasant change from the cramped apartments that rose from the ground up in Chicago. My mother no longer had to be a top of her siblings like white on rice. Here, there was grass, and people that had to be happier living farther
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