Personal Narrative: My Hero's Journey

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My Life’s Journey As A Former Academy Soccer Player While learning about Greek mythology, we also learned about the Hero’s Journey, which was written by a scholar named Joseph Campbell. The Hero’s Journey is a pattern that almost every story follows. This pattern follows your life story too, of course were not slaying dragons or saving people falling out of buildings, but your life in some way is following the hero’s journey. My parents made the decision to have me leave the academy soccer program, I had left my ordinary world, not knowing anything about my new team or if they would like me or if I would like them. I had crossed a threshold by going to my new team, after being with my old team for six years. I had also earned a reward at the end of my journey, “crossing the threshold” to my new team wasn’t as bad as I thought that it would be. My life’s journey as a former academy soccer player for Lanier Soccer Association is much like Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey because, I had left my ordinary world, crossed a threshold, and earned a reward at the end of this journey. I had left my ordinary world as an academy soccer player for the LSA Sharks to become a recreational soccer player instead. The ordinary world is your normal life before your adventure begins, such as playing academy soccer at Allen Creek. It wasn’t…show more content…
I had started in my ordinary world where I had to leave my academy soccer team that I had been with for six years. I had crossed a threshold to my new team not knowing if they would like me if I would like them. After all this I had earned a surprising reward by liking my new team and now we are very close. My crossing of the threshold to my team helped me realize that sometimes I need to step out of my box and meet new people and try new things. Such as leaving academy soccer teams and playing recreational soccer once in

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