Why Do Animals Bill Of Rights

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Animal’s Bill of Rights A percent of the population believe that animals should be treated with the same rights that humans are threated. However, in most cases, this is not possible. Sometimes people call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell humans how the feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no word. The concept that both animals and humans have inherent rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, is fundamental for both societies. Since animals are, indeed, sentiment beings, putting in place an Animal Bill of Rights would secure the psychological, emotional, physiological, and environmental needs of each animal. Animal exploitation, cruelty, neglect, and abuse needs to be stop. Therefore…show more content…
They are the reason why the majority of people are alive. If the men keep abusing animals there will be no nature, and no sources of life, and no food because killing animals to get food is not illegal as long as they are not torture. In addition, whatever happens to the animal would eventually happen to the men. As one knows, men have a Bill of Rights but apparently with or without it men is expose of the danger of the human nature. An animal’s life is valuable just as the human life just like them; humans have one and only one life to live. Just as humans can feel pain, sadness, and love animals, have the same feelings. According to the article, “A Change of Hear about Animals” Jeremy Rifkin explains that “animals feel pain, suffer and experience stress, affection, excitement and even love” (Rifkin 2). Rifkin support the fact that animal’s nature is similar as human’s nature which means that animals deserve to be treated with the same rights that humans are treated. Humans are very smarts then so are animals they know when something is wrong, they understand just as we do of…show more content…
Men is destroying our nature as well animal nature humans are responsible of what’s happening to animals, humans are killing, abusing, and torturing them if there were an animal bill of rights none of this would be happening. Humans need to stop acting like if they are the animals and act according our abilities to protect each and not kill each other’s even thought is hard. As an example, in an internet article, “animal rights” the author explains that “the sad part of killing animals is that people are killing them for not reason but pure sport. It may be different if we killed them for food but we don’t and it’s not only that were killing them without cause it’s that were killing them in excessive amounts with no cause” (animal rights 4). In other words he is explaining that there is a big difference of killing for sport and killing for food, and according to what he said both should not be allow for the reason that ether one exceed the amount of killing without cause. Because of this fact, there should be an animal Bill of Rights to protect all of these animals that humans are killing. As know men eventually will understand that animals and them are not different from each other and they will understand that animals and humans should protect each other. In addition, animals have the capacity to protect their self’s and their families and they also
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