My Future Career

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When I was growing up, multiple people questioned me about my future career, and others even pressured me into certain careers. All the influences I have had over time have formed my idea of the perfect occupation, that fits my personality and interests. The careers I have based my future life plans are a pharmacist or an anesthesiologist. Both of these careers require a great deal of school and hard work. My decision of these careers was influenced by both of them being within the medical field, and also both focus on helping people. My main interests lie in my math and science classes, which is why both these careers rely heavily on these subjects. My goal is to accomplish the title of one of these distinguished occupations. As I mentioned…show more content…
For example, I could become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist or CRNA for short. Furthermore, a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, is another career I am undoubtedly fascinated by. CRNAs are nurses who work in collaboration with surgeons, dentists, or any other doctor in need of a helping hand for administering anesthesia. Each day is different for these nurses because it depends on where they work and each patient; having a new experience every day sounds exciting and I know I would enjoy meeting all types of new people. CRNAs could work in hospitals, dentist offices, or even in the military. Compared to a pharmacist, CRNAs receive more hands-on experience with their patients. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists are one of the main providers of anesthesia for procedures today (“Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Midwives, and Nurse Practitioners”). The Bureau of Labor Statistics also states that the median annual salary of a CRNA is $107,460. This salary is more than substantial enough for my future that I plan to have. Another reason I want to become a CRNA is that you can start your own company and hire yourself out to hospitals and then you become your own boss, which is a perk in of itself. Overall, becoming a certified registered nurse anesthetist would give me multitudinous opportunities to…show more content…
She explained to me how CRNAs have a short period of time with their patients but, it is their job to make them feel as comfortable as possible. “Not only is this career highly intriguing,” she says, “it’s also very rewarding,” this is the main reason I really wanted to learn more about becoming a CRNA. Listening to her talk about how much she enjoyed her job and how thrilling her daily tasks sounded, persuaded me to think more in depth about actually becoming a CRNA. Also, there are plenty of places to work from big cities to small towns because hospitals are in dire need of certified registered nurse anesthetists. The need will only continue to grow as I become older because as more surgeries are performed, more CRNAs will be required. To become a certified registered nurse anesthetist, high school graduates need to attend college, earn a Bachelor degree in nursing. Then work in a hospital, after obtaining state licensure, as a registered nurse. After that, future-CRNAs have to gain admittance to an accredited nurse anesthesia program and complete it. Finally, pass the state licensure exam in the state they want to practice in and then officially become a certified registered nurse

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