Biomedical Career Essay

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Tell us about your interests in biomedical research and how you have explored these interests in the past. I have always given a great deal of thought to what career I would want to pursue in the future. After much deliberation, and participation, in activities corresponding to previous interests, I have come to realize that my ideal career lies in biomedicine. Amongst my whirlpool of interests, a desire to learn about organisms and life stood strong, especially my captivation towards more microscopic living organisms. Molecular biology, for example, is truly where I feel my passion lies. For as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in the biological sciences. I would constantly pick up scientific magazines and books, much…show more content…
What do you hope to gain? * As someone who wants to pursue a career in biomedicine, attending the TGen Bioscience Leadership Academy would be a huge step forward in a possible career. If I get accepted, I hope to gain plenty of biomedical skills and knowledge. Not to mention I anticipate the opportunity of working in a lab setting with current TGen scientists. I would also be able to meet other high school students, like myself, who are interested in biomedicine. I would love to make that connection with other future biomedicists and learn about what career path they are planning to take and how. If possible, I also hope to learn about all the possible career options and paths regarding biomedicine. I still have multiple questions about other careers in bioscience and I’d love to learn more about them at TGen. In the future, I want to be able to work more closely with those affected by infectious diseases, research those diseases, and, hopefully, help develop cures. For the moment, however, paths to get a degree and how to study certain aspects of bioscience elude me. An opportunity to study at TGen would put me off to a great start, allowing me to step into biomedicine putting my best foot

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