My Career Plan Essay

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Career Plan Introduction This is the first career plan I have ever created. The process of creating it has helped me to see the big picture laid out step by step towards my future. In five years so much of your life can change, hence even though I have created the five-year plan I am leaving the plan open to change. This plan will have my short-term, long-term, and SMART goals; these goals will detail of who I really am and just what kind of future I wish to end up in. Goals Currently I am working on achieving all my short-term goals. My first goal is to complete my MSPC diploma and my science and maths upgrading at Red Deer college. My grades are reflecting that I’m moving forward successfully with my first goal. My second goal is to move up as a part-time employee as a porter and ultrasound technician assistant at Red Deer Hospital and go from my 0.4 position to a 0.6 position. As for my long-term goals those are a bit vague. My first goal is more personal than career oriented, I wish to own an apartment unit and I want to have a dog who gets along with my kitty. My second goal is…show more content…
If I am to be successful against myself I must fight my urges to give up and procrastinate. There are a few factors that could limit my plan. One, the competition to get into my program is so intense that they only accept 40 per year. I will have to fight like hell to get In, but I will do everything I can to be one of those 40. Two, I will have to get a part-time job at a hospital in Edmonton and find a place to live, hopefully I can do both with success. Three, is to finish my current Media Studies and Professional Communication diploma. This third step will be taxing as I have no drive or interest in the program, but I can’t be a quitter, so I’ll work hard to finish and receive my diploma. All I need to focus on is the fact that the benefits of my future outweigh all my limitations, I am so much stronger than these

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