Military Revolution In The Hundred Years War

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The death of the last direct Capetian descendant threw both England and France into a conflict that would define both nations until the mid-fifteenth century. The Hundred Years War (1337 – 1453) was a conflict between the Valois dynasty of France and House of Plantagenet, rulers of the Kingdom of England, over the succession of the French throne. The long and arduous conflict was the pivotal moment in both countries’ histories. By analyzing specifically the different military revolutions in both countries, it becomes clear that the empowered lower class in England and the decentralization of power within government in France, the Hundred Years’ War brought about the curtain call for the Middle Ages for these nations and a leap towards democracy. One of the largest changes in society came through the “military revolution”. The changes in military came in one form of advancements in weaponry – the longbow. The early success of the English army during the conflict stemmed from their reliance on the Welsh Longbow. By the fourteenth-century, most armies were composed of cavalry and infantry armed with swords, spears, or cross bows. However, with the successful incorporation of the Welsh Longbow into their army, the English were the early victors of the conflict. The Battle of Agincourt (1415) is one example…show more content…
By the end of the Hundred Years War both France and England had learned to move away from feudal lords, who provided to be less than reliable, and leaned towards to a permanent standing army. During the reign of Charles VII of France (1403 – 1461) he called for a permanent standing army in 1445 to resolve two major issues. Kings would rely on two main factions and their manpower to aid in their war efforts; mercenaries and the nobles. Mercenaries were hired by kings to fight their wars while nobleman were often summoned in times of

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