Strengths And Weaknesses Of Correspondence Theory

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Introduction: From time immemorial, human beings have often desire to know and find out what truth is. These attitudes to discover what truth is have eluded and continue to create a divisive perspective in humans’ debate. This obviously has led many to engage in religious and cultural perspective to ascertain what their beliefs would be regarding what truth is. Philosophically, what truth is has various meaning and perspective to those who propounded different theories such as the coherence theory, the pragmatist theory, and the correspondence theory. This paper will, therefore, explore the main features of the correspondence theory and considers its major strengths, as well as its weaknesses. We furthermore, discuss what was appealing or discouraging…show more content…
In other words, no matter the majority that holds a strong belief in something or anything, if such belief negates the facts that are on the ground, then, there is not an iota of reality to make it true, and therefore, that belief is false (Pecorino, 2000). If the argument of the Correspondence Theory holds that reality consists of verifiable elements and facts, then it is conclusive to accentuate that the correspondence theory relates to empiricism. These are the main feature of the Correspondence Theory. What are its major strengths? One of the strengths of the Correspondence Theory is its simplicity. Human beings are easily attracted to a theory that is easy to assimilate; therefore, most humans see and develop a strong acceptability with the correspondence theory. Another strength of the Correspondence Theory is that it deals with what the majority of people already concur to be the reality because these things can be verified. Its theories are not accomplished on a street corner, but they can be empirically tested before they are accepted. So these two aspects enormously strengthen the argument of the Correspondence Theory. What are its…show more content…
For instance, the majority of human beings recognized that there is a God even though there are no physical means of verifying this fact through a direct observation. Yet, everyone is curious to find the truth about this existence. These are the weakness of the Correspondence theory. What do you find appealing or discouraging about Coherence Theory A coherence Theory is essentially based on the premise that a proposition is accurate or true if it practically agrees with several propositions that are true (Pecorino, 2000; James, 2016). This definition forms the basis of what is discouraging about this theory. For instance, in the coherence theory, the truth is subjective; therefore, human beings gauge the truthfulness of a belief by relating to other existing beliefs found in a similar proposition. Apparently, this notion implies that what might be true according to the belief system of a session of people could be false in another session of people. In my candid perspective, I find this aspect of subjective truth enormously discouraging as propounded by the coherent theory. Additionally, I find it discouraging that the coherence theory cannot identify any specified proposition without contradicting its assertions (James, 2016). How then can I vehemently rely on such a

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