Counterfeiting In Pakistan

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Contents Executive Summary IV CHAPTER 1 1 Introduction 1 Counterfeiting in Asia 1 Counterfeiting in Pakistan 2 Scope of Work 3 Objective 4 CHAPTER 2 5 Literature Review 5 Price 16 Value Consciousness 16 Brand Awareness 17 Social Influence 18 Gap Analysis 19 Theoretical Framework (Figure 1) 20 Hypothesis 21 CHAPTER 3 22 Methodology 22 Chapter 4 23 Findings and Analysis 23 Research Results 23 CHAPTER 5 30 Discussion and Implication 30 Managerial Implications 31 Conclusion 32 Limitations 33 Bibliography 34 Appendices 45 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All praises to ALLAH ALMIGHTY, who guides us in the darkness and all respects for the Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) who enabled us to recognize our creator.…show more content…
According to Consumer Voice, sixty percent of all the commodities being sold are fake (Zarin R. Khwaja 2008). In addition to this, statistics show that approximately thirty percent of all the fragrances, toiletries, cosmetics and drugs available nationwide are counterfeited or forged (Jaffri 2012). The availability of the counterfeit goods has cost the government immensely owing to various reasons, for instance, loss in tax revenues, risk and expenses associated with customer safety, intellectual property rights enforcement etc. According to Express Tribune, the Pakistani government is at a loss of over Rs.12 billion every year due to the counterfeit products available in the country (The Express Tribune 2012). However, the government of Pakistan is working for the remedy since the Ministry of Commerce has also issued an Import Policy Order which states that the trade in of counterfeit products is inadmissible by law (Ministry of Commerce…show more content…
When the consumers see that the product attributes of luxury brands and that of counterfeit products are somehow closely similar they are likely to buy counterfeits where the financial risk is also low. However, another study shows that luxury brands are not concerned about the availability of counterfeits in the market (Wiedmann and Hennigs 2013). Since, they believe that the availability of counterfeits does not make the luxury brands less desirable in fact they helps them to generate more consumer traffic. Luxury brands believe that if a person buys a counterfeit and does not have a good experience with it owing to the inferior quality and social risk associated with it. He/she is eventually going to purchase the original luxury brand because of its symbolic value and visibility (Wiedmann and Hennigs 2013,

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