Medical Surgery Research Paper

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Medical procedures are most definitely not fun. I would know because I have already had two different kinds of surgeries. The feelings that you go through, or the feelings that you hear about how people felt is kind of interesting. The first surgery that I had was when I was ten months old. I can not tell you how I felt, because I was not old enough to remember anything. I do, however, know what others in my family thought and felt about everything. My heart surgery was a major surgery. I had been very sick for the first couple of months after my birth. Later, at nine months, the doctor had found a hole that was still in my heart. This was not just a tiny hole either. If you take the size of a baby's fist, that was the size of my heart at…show more content…
My mom, one day, was just grinding some coffee, when all of a sudden I start screaming very loud, almost like I was in pain. I was asleep, but my mom raced into my room. She had called the doctor because this happened every time she tried grinding some coffee. The doctor had decided that since they had to use a saw to cut through my rib cage, the sound of the grinding probably made me think about hearing the saw. I think that it is kind of cool how I was able to hear the saw while I was put under. After my mom heard about this, she never did any more grinding of coffee until I was much older. She waited for so many years too. My heart surgery was one of the 2 surgeries that I have had. My other surgery would be the most recent. It happened just before I started freshman year of high school. This time it was my knee that was the problem. I am an athlete, and I love playing sports. I was in the middle of a basketball game, when I was in sixth grade, when I felt this pain in my knee. My parents had just told me that I was growing, which was probably true. Well with me being a catcher in softball, it got worse. I was wearing a knee brace for everything that I did with…show more content…
I even began to stop catching, because it was so bad on my knee. Since I was going to get a physical for high school and for sports, I had asked my doctor more about it. He set up an x-ray for me that day. They didn’t find anything, but authorized an MRI. After the MRI, I was on vacation when I was told that I was going to need surgery because my meniscus was torn. My first reaction was am I going to come out of it alive. I do not know why I thought that. I guess it was just scary knowing I was going to have surgery, and this time I was going to remember it. I had surgery the following Tuesday when I got back from my last week as a camper up at Camp Phillip. I remember, that Tuesday morning, how hungry I was. It was awful, because I could not eat anything after a specific time. I had to wait around in a room with no food in my stomach for about two hours. It was probably my least favorite part. Right before I was taken into the surgery room, I got to say goodbye to my parents. Well for some reason, I felt as if it was my last time seeing them again. I almost cried, but I
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