Information Privacy And Accountability Act Case Study

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Peter Drier, who received a surprise bill of $117,000 from an out-of-network assistant surgeon who helped out during his back operation. He then found out how difficult it was to extract his own records from the hospital. He enjoys exploratory travels so he needed a record of the surgery in case of injury. He wanted to see the chart to make sure nothing unusual had occurred during the procedure that might justify the massive bill. He assumed getting the chart would be easy since hospitals are computerized and patients have a right to their own records. It took numerous phone calls, consent forms, estimate for copying fees that totaled $100 and a visit to the hospital office before he had paper documents in hand. Glenn Cohen, a professor at Harvard Law School said, “You…show more content…
Some providers contend that releasing information might somehow compromise patient privacy and confidentiality concerns laid out in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 or HIPAA. That legislation was created at the dawn of the Internet era, when there were worries that sensitive health information that could humiliate patients or leave them easily exposed to discrimination. Internet security systems have significantly improved and it is unlawful for insurers to reject applicants for pre-existing conditions. A better flow of communication would benefit both patients and the health care system as a whole. If patients possess their records they can choose doctors and testing sites that are cheaper. If records can be communicated through emails, doctors in different locations can give treatment and prevent duplicate tests. Some health organizations like Kaiser Permanente in California, Partners Health in Boston and the Cleveland Clinic allow patients to log on to secure websites to view their test results and other medical information. Officials estimate the transition to electronic records is about 80 percent complete nationwide. Data

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