Technology In Medical Robotic Surgery

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Over the past 100 years, modern science in collaboration with technology has been responsible for some phenomenal inventions to aid the delivery of medical treatment such as the x-ray machine, ultra sound technology and the cochlear implant. One such development has been initiated in field of robotic surgery, which is redefining the way in which patients undergo procedures. Robotic surgery utilizes the robot to actually perform the tasks that were performed by humans but in a more precise and efficient manner. Medical robotics makes extensive use of telepresence. The discipline of telepresence signifies the technologies that permit an individual to sense as if they were at another location without being actually there. Robots have now enabled…show more content…
I. INTRODUCTION A. Robots Robot cannot be defined by any particular definition. However for a machine to qualify as robot, there are certain characteristics that a machine should possess. Few prominent characteristics are mentioned below [5]. • Sensing- Sensing is the foremost characteristic that should be possessed by ht robot. This should be performed by the robot just like as done by humans. Different categories of these sensors are: light sensors (eyes), touch and pressure sensors (hands), chemical sensors (nose), hearing and sonar sensors (ears), and taste sensors (tongue). All these sensors collectively provides your robot awareness of its environment. • Movement – Second characteristic is related to movement. Movement is no means refer that robot has to move as a whole. Movement can be attained by rolling on wheels, walking on legs or propelling by thrusters. Even if parts of robots move, it can be regarded as a movement. • Energy – Robot needs power to operate. A robot gets its power from electricity, battery or sun. The selection of the energy source depends upon the type of function the robot is supposed to…show more content…
• EndoWrist® Manipulation –The tools used by surgeons are designed by EndoWrist Company. These tools provide surgeons with natural handiness and a range of motion that is far greater than even the human hand. These exercises are designed to help users gain familiarity with the movement of these instruments. • Camera and Clutching – Another clinical advantage in surgery is provided by three-dimensional enhanced high-definition vision of the Da Vinci System. The exercises can be carried out to improve camera control and learn to use the clutch effectively for effective surgery. • Fourth Arm Integration – For more advanced instrument control skills, some exercises include a fourth instrument arm that must be used. Fourth instrument arm is designed to encourage instrument skill and encourages users to think tactically about instrument placement during tasks. • System Settings – The surgeon console features a complete set of controls for user settings. • Needle Control and Driving – These helps users to expand their skills when manipulating needles, including a focus on how to effectively hand off and position needles while practicing with a range of

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