Love Is Love Essay

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LOVE: A BOUNDLESS BATTLE What is love? I believe that each and every one of us has encountered love, whether they were loved or have loved. Love is something that we all have in common. Let me share this quotation with you: “Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.” –James A. Baldwin. In this quotation, the author discusses about the reality that we presuppose love begins once we encounter that one person and it finishes when we die. However, love is everlasting. It is a part of you from the start. Baldwin also talks about in his quote that in every step of our lives, we will encounter different types of love while growing up and becoming mature. These types of love were expressed through films, books, songs, and written poems without us knowing it. In the dictionary, love is defined as the feeling of warm personal attachment or profound affection. Nevertheless, it is more than just an unfathomable connection. Love is not just as simple as we think. It encompasses seven (7) different types: Eros, philia, ludus,…show more content…
This love is called Pragma. This love is a pragmatic, practical, mutually beneficial relationship (Lee, J.A., 1973. Colors of Love. Retrieved from This love is considered as the highest form of love. This love is everlasting and it is comprised of thoughtfulness and tolerance. It is often referred to as “standing in love” more willingly than “falling in love” because their love grows and strengthens over time and it necessitates profound understanding between lovers who have been in each other’ company for many years. We may say that the best definition of this love is simply “true love.” True love grows in a long period of time and this love will get stronger if trust is there and communication between the two

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