Literature Review On Parents Behavior

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II. LITERATURE REVIEW Behavior, as what the Merriam – Webster’s definition gives, is the way something or somebody moves, functions, or reacts to a given stimulus. In the case of this study, behavior is the way parents react toward their children that affects primarily their school’s academic performance. Senge, et. al. (2012), mention that parents, though not within the boundary of their children’s classroom because they are not residents there, their presence is always felt by the performance shown by their children. This conveys that parents’ involvement is always crucial to the functions of the classroom toward the achievement of the educational goals in which their children are the beneficiary. Whereas, in the article written by Mc Cabe, et. al (2005) for the Educational Policy issue of the book series “Educating School Leaders for Social Justice”, they say that schools are naturally a place where values and ideas are transmitted to the youth. However, due to their incapacity to stand on their own, it is where parents’ role come in. Their provision to their children’s educational needs dictate the performance they would attain in school. In the Philippines, the above notions on the significant role of parents’ behavior…show more content…
Thus, he mentions of a statement from Linden (2010) which explains that actions by teachers may enhance the motivation of parents to get involved because continued parent involvement is the key to creating sustainable change in children’s behavior. His study finally concludes that parental involvement is an integral component of student achievement and school reform. He strongly says that when parents are meaningfully involved, students achieve more despite their socio-economic status, ethnic / racial background or educational

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