Advantages Of Unisecs

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The following chapter discusses UniSecS, the proposed solution. It explains the system components, its specifications and its advantages, in addition to the OpenCV© backend. 4.1 – UniSecS UniSecS is a proposed solution for it is a cost-effective web application that increases security measures in universities by providing a user-friendly enrollment page in addition to an automated monitoring tool based on face recognition with a notification system. UniSecS is based on the face detection and recognition engine OpenCV©, implemented on a Windows operating system using JavaTM. A MySQLTM database is used to provide authentication when logging into the application, in addition to storing all enrolled individuals’ information along with their faces…show more content…
Many professional and dedicated companies are developing and upgrading their monitoring tools to include such features. What mainly differentiates UniSecS from its competitors is its efficient pricing. UniSecS is much cheaper than any of the other tools in the market, as it is built using nothing but open source tools and libraries that are free to use and require no licensing. Another advantage of UniSecS over its competitors is its portability. Unlike the several tools available in the market, UniSecS is a web based one. Desktop application lack portability as they have to be installed separately on each computer, while web application can be accessed through any computer connected to the network of the educational institution. 4.1.3 – Solution Provided by UniSecS UniSecS is a multipurpose face recognition security system. It combines many, if not all, the rules needed to secure the campus as it eliminates all the hassle for security guards of monitoring carefully each individual accessing the site. UniSecS simplifies the routine monitoring duties of security guards. It is also very easy to implement for any establishment, such as companies, banks, hotels,…show more content…
OpenCV© has a modular structure, which means that the package includes several shared or static libraries. The following modules are available: • core - a compact module defining basic data structures, including the dense multi-dimensional array Mat and basic functions used by all other modules. • imgproc - an image processing module that includes linear and non-linear image filtering, geometrical image transformations (resize, affine and perspective warping, generic table-based remapping), color space conversion, histograms, and so

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