MST And Child Abuse

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Literature Review Every year, more than 3 million reports of child abuse are made within the United States. Child abuse can include physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical neglect, and emotional neglect. Studies have shown that children who are abused as children report at least 80 percent of those children met the criteria for a psychological disorder when they are older. From the rates and statistics, it is unfortunately safe to say that as a therapist, I may experience a abuse related case in my practice. Because of this probability, I think it is important that I have a good understanding about the research that has been done on treatments for abused children. In this paper I will explore four literature review articles…show more content…
I examined a study for the use of MST for children who have been abused and neglected. The article focused on multiple factors including enhanced engagement, parent training, home based service delivery, social support, treatment fidelity, and many more. The participants included 86 youths who had experienced abuse. The participants and their families received treatment and training for 16 months of MST in the study. After treatment the results reported that MST was significantly helpful in reducing youth mental health symptoms, parent psychiatric distress, parenting behaviors associated with maltreatment, youth out of home placements, and improving natural support for parents (Swenson et al., 2010). The results promote the efficacy of MST for treating children who have been…show more content…
Play therapy helps children master anxiety, depression guilt, attachment difficulties, and other areas of difficulty that may be impacting their functioning. Play is centered around building a relationship with a child that will foster and help the child to understand the rules and regulations of the adult world. There are two basic forms of relationships in play therapy, which are nondirected and directed relationships. The directed approach is where the counselor creates rules, designs the activity, and selects a play medium (White & Allers, 1994). While with nondirected play the child is in control and they set their own rules, use play items they want to use, and select their own medium from a selection of items. Both methods offer a successful method of treatment for children to facilitated improved communication with clients. Play Therapy has many goals while children are in treatment. For instance the first goal of play therapy is to create a relationship with a caring adult such as the therapist, who stimulates play and models core principles of a healthy relationship, which are congruence acceptance, and understanding. This goal helps the child increase their self-acceptance and self-worth. Another goal of play would include children being encouraged to understand play as away for them to

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