Essay On Animated Cartoons

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James, Ghai & Sharma, (2012) examine the cartoon effectiveness in medical health procedure. How the cartoon give relaxation and reduce pain intensity during needle insertion for medical treatment. During medical process it is often suffer by pain, fear and anxiety. Thus the reduction of such pain, fear and anxiety becomes the responsibility of health care professionals. Hence a quasi - experimental study was undertaken on children of 3 to 6 years age who were undergoing venipuncture to see the effectiveness of "Animated Cartoons" as a distraction strategy to reduce the perception of pain fair and anxiety. During the first venipuncture children were assessed at pre, during and post venipuncture for perception of pain with routine care only and…show more content…
Cartoon may influence the children through different ways consistently, violence scène negatively affect the children attention and cognition. However the fictional and imaginary parts influence their learning and cannot distinguish between fiction and reality. Parents have an important role in diminishing the negative effects of cartoons. The contents of cartoon may trigger for positive development in behavior among those who watch educational programs as compare to those who watch entertainment contents. Results indicated that mothers’ educational level, children’s age, length of daily co-viewing television and mothers’ perception of television were linked to their thoughts about cartoons’ influence. Two hundred twenty three mothers of preschoolers and kindergarteners completed and returned a demographic information form and “Mothers’ Evaluation of Cartoons” questionnaire. ANOVAs were computed to examine the effects of demographic characteristics and television related variables on mothers’ thoughts about cartoons. Mothers of the young children considered that the cartoon grab their psychological attention and divert them from real

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