Lesson Writing Reflection

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As previously mentioned, students are yet to receive any instruction about composing opinion writing pieces. However, students have had instruction regarding the difference between a fact and opinion. So what this means for me and the instruction I have planned is that I will need to really be intentional about the way in which I structure the lessons to successfully scaffold composing a piece of opinion writing and the way in which the process of writing works. While I would normally go over each important vocabulary term in the beginning of every lesson of a unit, I will not need to do so for this learning segment, because my students are very familiar with what an opinion is and how an opinion is supported by reasons. Students will review…show more content…
In Lesson 2 the definition of reason is reviewed, while the term conclusion is introduced and referenced throughout the lesson. I split up teaching the vocabulary terms by the section that students were focusing on so that the information taught to the students was not presented in an overwhelming manner, but in a way that was much more comprehensible for them (chunking up the information). Throughout the entire unit these terms will be posted on the white board for students to reference if need be. To begin my unit, I’ll start by having students form their opinion following the read aloud of Cats vs. Dogs. While many students have pets at home that are either a cat and/or a dog, there are a few students in my class who do not. Reading this book aloud will aid in helping the students who…show more content…
Students will feel a sense of pride when seeing that they are truly capable of writing and producing such work like a complete paragraph about their opinion.This pride will just emphasize their abilities and capabilities in the classroom. Many of my students are very excited to learn knew things so completing tasks that focus on new learning and challenge them to learn in new ways, will allow them to make new connections and even strengthen preexisting

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