Pretentious Writing Styles In Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee

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Verbose writers tend me to lose me, due to their ostentatious writing styles. My thoughts are lost when writers use pretentious language and vocabulary without necessarity. I tend to stray from the bombastic writers intended points due to my incomprehension of the writer's particular style. For example Mark Twain who is a magnificent writer, has the tendency to draw me away from his intended point by writing in turgid ways, this is particularly evident for me in his work “A Connecticut Yankee”. This is because he used pretentious and turgid writing styles to try to make his point. I am extremely disappointed in Mark Twain’s writing in this book because he has his own excerpt in “Style, lessons in clarity and grace” depicting his distaste of turgid writing. In Mark Twain’s work “A Connecticut Yankee” I was surprised by how many turgid passages I found throughout the book. This quote from the book depicts the turgid passage that threw my thought the most. “ As a rule, the speech and behavior of these people were gracious and courtly and I noticed that they were good and serious listeners when anybody was telling anything- I mean in a dog-flightless interval. (2.7).” This paragraph was particularly confusing for me due to the unnecessary verbose language in this…show more content…
In this passage Mark Twain states that turgid writers are unable to make their point due to their pretentious writing styles. I was surprised by this statement due to my complete misunderstanding in his work “A connecticut yankee”. I believe that he was unaware that he was indeed committing a writing sin with his turgid paragraphs in his novels. Now though his quote in the book of style is very well written and understandable I am still lenient of weather I should classify Mark Twain with turgid writers or if this is just a mistake in my mind that I don't comprehend his

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