Nt1310 Unit 6 Understanding Assessment

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Contents Understanding Assessment. 1 Overview of Unit of Work 3 TASK SHEET FOR A CULMINATING TASK 6 Criteria for Sundial task for teacher 8 Bloom?s Taxonomy Evaluation for Students 10 Assessment Justification 12 Key learning strategies and checks for learning that scaffold assessment 13 Formative assessment strategies and justifications 14 Assessment and Reporting Understanding Assessment. For teachers to engage in developing better understanding of what assessment is and for, and to gain confidence in their assessment practice, the Australian Curriculum has become a positive facilitator for this by making the curriculum a more balanced program for assessment. Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam, in their article Inside the Black Box write, ?There is a wealth of research evidence that the everyday practice of assessment in classrooms is beset with problems and short-comings? (Black, & Wiliam, 1998). When teachers reflect on their teaching practice, the area where they are least confident is that of assessment. So many have come up with their own strategies to help them assess students.…show more content…
It gives the learning manager (teacher) the insight to what the students need to know and what they already know. Assessment is about documenting student?s learning so you know they are making progress. The purpose of assessment is to improve learning, inform teaching, help students achieve the highest standards they can and provide meaningful reports on students? achievement. There are many types of assessment from formative assessment to summative assessment, there is also many tools and strategies that can be used to ascertain the extent and nature of student

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