Language Related Literature

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Related Literature LEVEL OF GENDER-STEREOTYPING AMONG STUDENTS Language does not only seen on social reality but also reflect on the constitutive of such reality, meaning to say it shapes how we see ourselves and the world. If the usage of language is constitutive rather than indexical, then probably it can help to establish and maintain social and power relations, values, and identities, as well as to challenge the social practice. However, Fromkin & Rodman (1993) mentioned that language can reflect sexism. Blaubergs (1980, p.137) claim that changes in language behavior can bring about social reform. Meaning, ESL Textbooks play a vital role in establishing perceptions of students about the gender-stereotyping. a. Gender-Stereotyping on…show more content…
Bowman and Branchaw mentioned that language changes to meet the changing needs of people who use it. Another text from Nixon stated, “Words are not things in themselves, absolute and constant in their properties like the chemical elements.” Then words achieved discrepancy in a sense that words are not only looking on definition itself but also by the whole idea suggested by the word. Cameron (1990, p. 13) said that gender-biased language in textbooks can affect students adversely and creates an oppressive world for them because this gender-biased language most often is unjustified and unfair; in which it reflects on the Gender-stereotyping among students. Furthermore, language plays a central role in socializing students, perpetuating sexist ideas. Lei (2006) in the book Journal of Language and Linguistic; Sexism on Language mentioned that in the society, men take the form of human species as to its characteristics, thoughts, beliefs and action. In the sense that women become invisible in the language context and men considered to portray the human’s norm.” These cases of discrimination were present on the following context that can be found in the ESL Textbook features: a. The Pseudo-Generic He/His and…show more content…
The argument can easily be made that sexist language is inaccurate, unclear, and ambiguous. Ross (1996) mentioned that this sexist language is common in public discussion, to take it in consideration that by using “man”, either in isolation or as a suffix, it still refers to all of humanity, or by using pronoun “he” where any person, both male or female can be referred to. Martyna (1978) reasoned that the effects of the male-biased generic pronoun and other forms of sexist language accumulate over time.The existence of sexist language using the pseudo-generic he/his or man results to disappearance of the female on the population of ‘generic’ persons in societies’ minds. Gender stereotype on the Textbook “If you have not read any article regarding this sexism, can you recognize the gender biased present from your textbooks?” Brown (1994: 240) Sexism is imperceptible in the language itself and is consequently, vital to

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