Political Speech

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The aims of this study is to investigate the political speech of the president of the United States, Barack Obama remarked by the president in the state of the union address on January 27,2010 at the white house, office of the press secretary. The particular speech is obtainable at HTTP: //www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/remarks-president-state-union-address. The aims of this study is shows the speech acts of promise using by the president in his speech, showing the rules he has used to achieve his aim. The results of this study show that most of selected discourses appeared as speech act of promise and the speaker used different ways in order his utterance serve his aim. The concept of "discourse" is a pivotal position in all the research…show more content…
6) defines discourse as “the language in use”. The concept of "discourse" is a pivotal position in all the research and studies that fall in the area of analysis of texts; where the presence of the people emerged seminar in linguistics, philosophy, and literature made it a key pillar in the decisions, and addresses taken to the different disciplines. Scholars manage with the human language in the way of communicative made it the basis of the speech and its objective analysis. Yule (2010) difines discourse as “language beyond the sentence”. Actually the consept of discourse relaited with the investigation of language in conversation and…show more content…
Discourse analysis has been taken up in a collection of social science disciplines, including anthropology, linguistics, social work, cognitive psychology, human geography, sociology, social psychology, international relations, translation studies, and communication studies. Each subject has its own hypothesis, importance of analysis and approaches. Politics is a conflict for influence in order to put social ideas into practice, certain political and economic. In this process, the language plays a central role, for every political activity is prepared, accompanied, influenced and played by language. Brown & Yule (1983, p. 1) suggest that discourse analysis is related with the “the analysis of language in use”. Discourse analysis means the investigation of the relationship between the contexts and language in which it is used. It includes looking for both form and function of the language, and includs the investigation of both spoken effects and written texts. Discourse analysis has been taken up in a collection of social science disciplines, including anthropology, linguistics, social work, cognitive psychology, human geography, sociology, social psychology, international relations, translation studies, and communication studies. Each subject has its own hypothesis, importance of analysis and
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