Concept Of Comparative Literature

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Introduction: The concept of Comparative Literature at the French school, Comparative Literature studies places of meeting among the literatures in their different languages and links in their present or past. The boundaries among different literatures are their languages, which separate each other. Therefore, the languages of the literatures are important to Comparative Literature in the study of the mutual impact and influence amongst them. Comparative Literature is essential to the history of literature and criticism in their contemporary meaning, because it discloses the trends of artistic and intellectual sources for the National Literature. The comparisons among the authors from different literatures have no historical links cannot be…show more content…
The French school prefers to go into issues that can be solved on the basis of substantial evidences based generally on the personal documents. It tries to exclude the literary criticism from the area of Comparative Literature. It looks at the studies depend on the mere comparison and indication of the similarities and differences. Even issues of the impact were being addressed with caution, as each of the Carré and Guiar has called to focus on issues such as the reception, the middlemen and the travel abroad means transfer of literary material from its borders to the outside, receiving of Arts in other borders, crossing points and the medium means that helped it to move. They both gave the importance to the study of attitudes towards a particular country in the literature of another country during a limited period. However, there was a preoccupation with French to study the impacts and avoid the issues of special artistic tastes and technical evaluation or literary criticism. Although…show more content…
Usually the artistic taste is associated closely with comparison, the comparison in its turn is a tool for quality of artistic taste, but the French school does not satisfy much to this weapon has major artistic capability, though it is not artistic necessarily, because its respective field is scientific research not the artistic taste. It is surprising that Remak speaks about the aesthetic taste and its artistic evaluation and forgets that artistic beauty is basically related to the artistic forms or characteristics, which are called a semblance of the literature, including the language drafted for the literatures. Then, there are things we realize and feel, but the expression of this feeling in the words is very difficult, such as the beauty of the melodies. How can be this aesthetic taste linked inextricably to the comparison and evaluation, while the translation is simply unable to transfer the artistic characteristics of the language to another

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