Five Roles And Responsibilities Of Teachers

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main principles of ESP/EVOP are discourse analysis, ethnography, needs analysis, critical perspectives, social constructionism, and contrastive rhetoric (Hyland, 2002b). 2.5 Roles and Responsibilities of Teachers and Students in ESP/EVOP Learning A study on the effects of ESP on early language learners should have an element of the roles and responsibilities of teachers in the learning process. Quite a few literatures specifically focus on the roles and responsibilities of teachers in ESP compared to their roles in General English learning. Fiorito (2005) is of the opinion that teachers already experienced in offering General English courses are advantaged in teaching ESP because they possess the requisite background and skills in language…show more content…
Teachers should also listen carefully to learners’ messages and respond to all their requests, in the process propping up their confidence. An ESP teacher’s other mandate is the monitoring and evaluation of the ESP learning process. Thus, teachers should establish learners’ challenges, weaknesses, and desires and offer the necessary responses (Davidson, 2008). Teachers should also be sources of information and assurance to ESP learners. Since in many instances, ESP learners are adults in different professions and from divergent socioeconomic, cultural, religious, and educational backgrounds, it is imperative that ESP teachers pay attention to each learner’s or each group’s unique interests, needs, and challenges. These predicaments call for good communication skills from ESP…show more content…
The other gap identified in the literature review is the role of nonnative-English-speaker ESP teachers. The literatures reviewed were noted to target several types and sizes of ESP programs or courses. Some of the ESP programs extensively implemented appear to target technical students and adult professionals. ESP/EVOP programs are encountered in countries from all over the world, including China (Jiao Tong University in Shanghai), Japan, Chile (University of Santiago), and Algeria (University of Blida). However, ESP/EVOP programs are not as widespread in the USA as they are elsewhere. May be the US is yet to recognize the need and importance of ESP/EVP, especially for its ever-expanding international student and worker base. Also, the USA does not appear to recognize the importance of ESP programs to their English-speaking citizens and students whose desire is to gain employment overseas. As a result of these gaps, it has become increasingly difficult for the concerned government agencies such as the United States Information Agency (USIA) and the American Friends of the Middle East to meet the need for specific purpose

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