Buddhism In Ikeda's Influence On Modern Science

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Buddhist ideas and ideals have great impact in the lives and thoughts of countless human beings in many parts of the world. As lay Buddhists, our own experiences and discoveries in life are not enough to give a true perspective on life. According to Daisaku Ikeda, the starting point and the aim of life of human related to the welfare of people. The reaching point of religion in Ikeda's perspective is to rescue people from within, to creative the way for people to establish peace and happiness in their lives. Moreover, he defines religion as a element which operates and dominates people. The fundamental aim of this paper is to analyze the role of Buddhism and what are main factors of social life influenced by this religion. In Hinduism, Dharma…show more content…
It changed people's life in the term of their educational implications, science, development of language and literature, growth of art and architecture, national unity of people. According to the source of the Importance of the encounter with Buddhism for modern science, there is increasing argument that Buddhism can potentially have a dominant and efficient influence on modern science, primarily at two levels: 1) the detailed research level evident in the study of mind 2) the epistemological affect on the principles of science, especially physics. In this field, one main root is the study of mind, cognition, affect and related mental phenomena, where the brain sciences (or neurosciences) play a original role.( Importance of the encounter with Buddhism for modern science,…show more content…
Buddhists increase internal peace, kindness and wisdom through their daily experiment; and then share their practice with others in order to enhance world with real benefit. The influence of Buddha on world history can hardly be over estimated. His teachings and organization have great impact on religion and philosophy in China, it reached as far as Japan. It influenced art and architecture as well as in Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Sri Lanka - the whole of Southern Asia in short. There's no denying that Buddhism itself changed in each of these places. In fact, Buddhism has been hailed as one of the most adaptable religions. It changes with every place it lands in. Due to explained features of Buddhism's roles in the society, it is basic to remember one more time that how science, education, art, architecture changed over time and how language and literature enhanced because of rising of Buddhism religion. All elements showed the position of Buddhism and in which components its role affect to the society like they were kind of awaked society and its people because of

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