Knowledge Management Literature Review

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The research structure defines the outline of the whole research study. It is important to be mentioned in the research as it organises the research. There will be five chapters reserved for this research. The first chapter (Chapter 1) will clarify the logical data in accordance with the research and the reason for conducting current research study. T The second section (Chapter 2) will provide assessment of literary works identifying with the examination viewpoint. On the other hand, past literary works will be additionally discussed regarding the artificial intelligence in knowledge management. This will help in raising awareness about the previous works in this area of research. The writing will further talk about the part of Artificial…show more content…
The chapter will be assisted by the history of knowledge management and artificial intelligence. It will discuss the overview of the technology and the evolution of the concept during the late years. Furthermore, the literature review will be able to evaluate the evolution of artificial intelligence and where it might take the digital generation in the upcoming years. 2.1 Background The background will give a depiction on both the concepts that includes knowledge management and artificial intelligence. The background or history is discussed in further sections: 2.1.1 Overview of Knowledge Management The meaning of Knowledge Management is different, as the knowledge management can be viewed with numerous edges. Vámos (1991) gave his describing so as to mean of the knowledge management its capacities: "Knowledge management is a community oriented and coordinated way to deal with the creation, catch, organisation, access, and utilisation of an organisation's scholarly…show more content…
It embodies exercises concentrated on the organisation getting information from numerous sources, including its own experience and from that of others, and on the successful use of that learning to satisfy the mission of the organisation (McCarthy, 2007).. The knowledge management group has been mixed in drawing from numerous hotspots for its strategies and devices. Average ways to deal with the management of information are in view of concept mapping, hypermedia, and object-arranged databases. Methods created in artificial intelligence for learning obtaining, representation and disclosure are seen as pertinent to knowledge management. On the other hand, there is up 'til now no brought together fundamental hypothesis for knowledge management and the size of the issue in substantial organisations is such that most existing artificial intelligence apparatuses can't be connected in their present usage (Minati, Abram & Pessa,

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