Training Needs Analysis Literature Review

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Literature Review on Training Needs Analysis Training needs analysis is considered to be the foundation of all training activities. In order to deliver appropriate, effective training which meets the needs of individuals and the organisation and represents value for money a training needs analysis is essential (Boydell and Leary 1996, Reid and Barrington 1999). There is general agreement in the literature that a training needs analysis is a best practice first step in the systematic approach to training (Wills 1998, Boydell and Leary 1996, Reid and Barrington 1999, Garavan et al., 1995, Bartram and Gibson 1997, 1999, Reay 1994). The systematic approach is described slightly differently by different authors, with varying stages and elements…show more content…
A drawback in using this data is noted in that the performance appraisal process is often linked to reward and promotion so that identifying development needs does not sit very well with this purpose. The paper goes into some depth about the biases which potentially exist in using performance appraisal for training needs analysis. An alternative approach is put forward which would have significant cultural and change implications which are not mentioned at…show more content…
& Gibson, B. (1997) ‘Training Needs Analysis’ Second Edition, Gower Publishing Limited, England . Boydell, T. & Leary, M. (1996) ‘Identifying Training Needs’, Institute of Personnel and Development, London. Buckley, R. & Caple, J. (1995) ‘A Systematic Approach to Training’, in The Theory and Practice of Training, Kogan Page, London. Chiu, W., Thompson, D., Wai-ming Mak, Lo, K.L. (1997) ‘Re-thinking Training Needs Analysis: A Proposed Framework for Literature Review’, Personnel Review, Vol. 28, No. 1/2. pp77-90. CLMS (1995) ‘Intervening in the Social Processes of an Organization’ Reading 12, MSc in Training and Human Resource Management, M2 U1, pp137-140. Garavan, T. N., Costine, P., Heraty, N. (1995) ‘Training and Development in Ireland: Context, Policy and Practice’, Oak Tree Press, Dublin. Gray, G. E., Hall, M. E., Miller, M., Shasky, C. (1997) ‘Training Practices in State Government Agencies’, Public Personnel Management, Vol. 26, No. 2. pp187-202. Hayton, G. (1990) ‘Skills Audit and Training Needs Analysis’, Work and People, Vol. 13, Pt. 3, pp25-31, Reading 6, MSc in Training and Human Resource Management, M2 U6

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