The Importance Of The Literature Survey In Scientific Research

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Q-3) A- The literature survey is an essential constitute the scientific research to by enabling the researcher to connect the idea under discussion and justified and to review efforts of researchers and identifying deficiencies in the cognitive domain. I advise the researcher must to definition and describe and analyses in brief about dimensions of the subject because that help all recipient is able to understand and grasp the dimensions of the subject thoroughly. (Shana, 2000) The literature survey is general research and study about all thing in research and that can help researcher to defined problem and to get many type of research can help to get data and get project report. The researchers must to writes that previous research that related…show more content…
I think the literature survey make the subject moor clear to understand between all recipient communities. The main important of literature survey is draws a planning before collect data and information and analyses. So that can be easy to researcher to start and make literature review and continues to make that research project. My reflection of that all researchers must to learn and consider about the literature survey because that will control between internal objective and external objective to get the main external objective of project because the literature survey depend on the general of external objective .The different between literature survey and literature review is literature survey depend on the general data and information. Literature review is depend on title of research project. I agree the role of literature survey is to determent objective of references and data and information. (Land,…show more content…
So all that sources depend on the type pf research. My topic research is (Evaluation of Training Services Provided by the Institute of Public Administration from the Standpoint Beneficiaries). Before I write my literature review I want to start about sayings sultan Qaboos (2001), sultan majesty noted the ،،Nations that are not built except demolished by its people and advancement in the runways of civilization and progress does not except by means of science and the experience, training and rehabilitation,,. (sultan Qaboos ,2001,P2).In that part sultan Qaboos advice all an Omani people to take the weapon of science and the experience, training and rehabilitation to build Oman and to keep pace with global developments. I agree about the develop training because sultan Qaboos gave training sector more important to increase the performances by both organizations and employees to achieves the role goals of public sector. (Sultan Qaboos,
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