Kindred Analysis

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In the novel, Kindred, by Octavia E. Butler, a lot of ignorance and intelligence is demonstrated all through the book which in a way is dangerous. Kindred is a wonderful work of science fiction that grasps the attention of readers by telling a story of Dana, a modern-day African-American woman, who is abruptly transported from California in 1976 to the antebellum South. Not only is Dana abruptly transported back in time, but she experiences first-hand the cruelty of enslaved black women and men in the 1800s. Most of experiences of Dana and the women in the novel is viewed as women working in households. However, it’s a known fact that the majority of enslaved women worked in the fields. In this novel, the enslaved women experiences mostly consisted…show more content…
While living in the Weylin household Dana meets various slaves, including one whose name is Sarah. Sarah was a “stocky middle-aged woman” who not only struggled as an enslaved woman, but also as the cook of the Weylin household (Butler 72). The cooks role was making enough food to feed all the family from the house and afterward is when she and many of the other slaves would finally get to eat. What they ate was usually the leftovers and often times it really wasn’t enough or healthy to digest. In a way, the duties of these women were like the role from the stereotypical mammy “she was the kind of women who would be held in contempt during the militant nineteen sixties” as referred by Dana (Butler 145). Many of them also had to clean the house, sow, take care of the masters’ children and it did not matter how old the slaves were if they failed complete their duties they would be punished. This quote explains how even as young as they are they already had duties “tell Carrie to do this room” and Carrie was a young mute girl who gets treated as so just for the color of her skin (Butler 97). It may seem like they just worked in the household, but really their role was attached to other…show more content…
Imagine being a woman from the 1800’s and having your kids be sold off to become slaves if you think about it what can really be worse. For instance, Sara’s children were sold “Sold them. First, my man died – a tree he was cutting fell on him. Then Marse Tom took my children, all but Carrie” (Butler 76). This was just viewed as a norm, their children are sold and then have to keep working like nothing happened. However, there were still some who dreamed of freedom would still rebel, but the results were never good. “She went to him. She adjusted, became a quitter more subdued person. She didn’t kill, but she seemed to die a little” this just comes to show that women, in this case, grew into being so emotionally drained (Butler 168). They would rather listen to their master’s calls than listen to their conscience even if they wanted to since consequences would result in beatings. By not doing anything about it, because really, what could they have done, they accepted just accepted whatever happened next. Finally, even though enslaved women went through some hardcore experiences, they were still very strong women. They all suffered greatly, even the ones who were considered “free” still were scared for their lives. It’s awful that even the house-hold slaved would be treated with such

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