Deductive Grammar Teaching

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Methodology: This research work was aimed at to determine and evaluate the effectiveness of inductive grammar teaching vs. deductive grammar teaching to the students whose mother tongue was not English and they were learning English as a second language. Using the deductive way for teaching grammar the teacher explains the certain rules of grammar to the students, and then asks the students to practice and apply them in different ways. For instance, teaching a new grammatical concept first of all the teacher explains it in detail with rules related to its use and writes model sentences using the concept on blackboard, and then asks the students to practice, writing the sentences in which rules have been used in variety of different ways. But…show more content…
In the second sessions I explained them in detail the changes that take place in tenses, pronouns, time and adverbs as we change direct speech into indirect speech. To make the concept further clear students about these changes, following chart was also distributed among the students: Changes in tenses: The Present simple into The Past simple The Present Continuous tense into The Past continuous tense The Present Perfect tense into The Pas perfect tense The Present Perfect Continuous tense into The Past perfect continuous tense The Past simple tense into The Past Perfect tense The Past Continuous tense into The Past Perfect Continuous tense The Past Perfect Continuous tense into The Past Perfect tense The Future simple, will into would The Future Continuous, will be into would be The Future Perfect, will have into would…show more content…
I, we, me, us, mine, or our, is not changed if the pronoun (Subject) of reporting speech is also first person pronoun i.e. I or we. Another rule is that the second person pronoun in reported speech i.e. you, yours is changed according to the person of object of reporting verb. Third person pronoun in reported speech i.e. he, she, it, they, him, his, her, them or their, is not changed in indirect speech. Changes in time and adverbs: Today in direct speech Is changed into that day/the same day Tomorrow in direct speech Is changed into The next day/the following day Yesterday in direct speech Is changed into day before/the previous day Next in direct speech week/month/year in direct speech Is changed into the following week/ month/year Last week/month/year in direct speech Is changed into the previous week/ month/year Now/just in direct speech Is changed into then Ago in indirect speech Is changed into before Here in direct speech Is changed into there This in direct speech Is changed into

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