Japan International Relations Case Study

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Final Paper Research Question How does Japan – ASEAN strategic ties challenge the possibility of BRICS to share domination in the international development regime? Case study JICA – ASEAN development cooperation Articles 1.The Rise of South-South relations: Development partnerships reconsidered by San Bilal 2.Institutionalizing South-South Cooperation: Towards a New Paradigm by Oliver Stuenkel Research Abstract While Bilal and Stuenkel mentioned on aid and economic relations among global south, they have not touched on the international political aspect especially the regional cooperation as a bargaining power within the global South. Therefore, I believe it is crucial to research further on the role of Japan and ASEAN as a North-South cooperation…show more content…
Moreover, he suggested the Global South and Global North relations should be based on less dependency but more open one. Japan – ASEAN development relations The international development regime and the rise of Asia are relatively linked via the status of developing countries in the region which by the statistic of previous decades showing that developing countries from Asia are potential since there are many strategic locations for the U.S. and China. Therefore, it is important for both major powers to engage more in Asia especially South East Asia. In a matter of fact, Japan has been engaging in the region and giving priority in distributing her economic cooperation fund which ASEAN countries have been receiving about 30% of Japan’s total bilateral official development aid. During 1982-1985,Japan’s ODA to ASEAN was counted as 50% of total ODA received by the region, but a year later, U.S. shared around 16.7% while Germany did 8.2% (See table1). However, Japan still has been the largest donor of bilateral direct investment to
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