Interpersonal Communication In Health And Social Care

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The assignment will outline what effective and interpersonal communication are in a health and care environment. It will go over two different forms of communication and how they are effective. Communication is essential for survival, in humans it is a very important part of their social behaviour. “Communication is the imparting or exchange of information by speaking, writing or using some other medium” ( “Interpersonal communication/ interaction is the process by which people exchange information, feelings and meanings through verbal and nonverbal messages: it is face-to-face communication” ( There are two forms of communication, verbal and nonverbal. Each offers a different way to communicate.…show more content…
Group communication deals with the aspect of communication within groups, consisting of three or more individuals, in group communication individuals are influenced by each other; however it isn’t always as clear because there can be confusion with what people are saying and the meaning to what they are saying. Informal communication is typically used for casual conversations between friends and family. This type of communication isn’t very serious and would not be used in a work setting. Informal communication can be used while texting, ringing or emailing someone. It is a more social way of communicating. Formal communication is more associated with work like settings in which information needs to be shared in a more effective, business like way. An example of formal communication is between higher management and employees. It is more official and and the flow of information is controlled. One to one communication plays an important part in everyones day to day life. It is imperative in exchanging information between diads. Its important in a health and care setting because a nurse/ doctor could be talking to a patient privately, this means that they would have to be clear in the way they are speaking. Showing empathy/sympathy, is very important and it makes you able to relate to the individual in whom you are speaking to. Also in one to one communication it is essential that you use words that people will understand. Sometimes one to one communication involves formal and informal communication. Effective one to one communication requires listening skills, information giving/receiving skills and questioning skills. This type context of communication is needed everyday in a health and care setting. “Multi-agency working brings together practitioners from different sectors and professions to provide an

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