Inter-Professional Practice

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Focussing on characteristics of inter-professional practice within the care sector this essay will discuss the importance of communication within professional practice and will attempt to define what it means to be a professional within the context of caring for others with reference to collaborative care. The following section offers a discussion which will outline the principles of ethical and anti-oppressive practice. A reflective account and assessment of my communication skills using the Inter-professional Capability framework form the final sector of the essay. Main body (400 words) Professionalism is a term used often in health and social care fields and many definitions of professionalism are in existence. In order to understand professionalism…show more content…
Our code is the foundation of good nursing and midwifery practice, and is a key tool in safeguarding the health and wellbeing of the public. The Health Care and Professions Council (HCPC) are a regulating body of health care professionals who, like the NMC, have their own standards of conduct, performance and ethics. HCPC concur with the NMC’s opinion that professionalism can be achieved through health care workers observing their governing body guidelines. The main principles of professionalism are demonstrated within the governing body’s codes of conduct, performance and ethics. Professionals who are registered with governing bodies are expected to have relevant qualifications, skills and knowledge to carry out their role. In addition there is an expectation that professionals have a caring and compassionate nature. Since the publication of the Francis report in 2013 compassion has become an increasingly important value promoted by the NHS who characterise it as “how care is given through relationships based on empathy, respect and…show more content…
Reducing oppression and discrimination can be achieved by accepting and respecting the diverse needs not only in service users but also in co-workers. Ultimately the team of health care workers have a shared goal; providing person centred care for the service user. As already mentioned respect for others is an important part of practice and should ideally underpin care delivery by ensuring that everyone is treated fairly, as an individual and with dignity. Health care professionals should always act in the best interest of their service user and act as an advocate for
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