Concept Of Hospital Organization

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CONCEPT 5 ORGANIZATION OF HOSPITAL UNIT This concept is taken from Module 4 of Block 3. INTRODUCTION Every hospital large or small has an organizational structure that allows for the effective management of theunits. Hospital can be defined as an institution which provides medical/surgical care and nursing care for sick or injured people. It can also be looked as an institution which provides patient treatment with specialized staff and equipment. 5.1. PERSONAL CONCEPT I look athospitalfromthe angle of WHO definition as an integral part of a socialand medical organization which functionisto provide for themasses total health care,both curativeandpreventive. Hospital has four basic functions which are: - Patient Care - Health Education - Training…show more content…
Government, Semi-government, Voluntary, Private, etc. (c) According to Size. (d) According to length of stay. With lives to manage, which are very critical, hospitals have to function very precisely executing high quality services every hour of the day. This calls for organization of structure for every hospital to ensure that no one unit can throw the system off balance. Organizational structure helps in efficient management of hospital departments and to help one understand the hospital’s chain of command. 5.2. SOCIAL CONECPT Different hospitals have different organizational structure depending on their quality and classification. Examples of organizational structure in hospitals are: • Administrative Services- which comprises the Directors, Executives, Departmental Administrators, etc. The main functions of this group are; - To run the hospital - To oversee budgeting and finances - To establish hospital policies and procedures. • Informational Services- which documents and process information like Admissions, medical records, Billing and Collection, etc. • Therapeutic Services- which provides treatment to patients. Examples of these departments are - Physiotherapy department, that deals with improvement of muscles and…show more content…
A challenge facing researchers, practitioners and policy makers is identifying ways to improve care by improving the organizations that provide this care, given the complexity of health care organizations and the role organizations play in influencing systems of care. This article reviews the literature on the relationship between the structural characteristics and organizational process of hospitals and quality of care. The review The results of this review indicate that a preponderance of studies are conducted at the hospital level of analysis and are predominantly focused on the organizational structure-quality outcome relationship. The article concludes with recommendations of how health services researches can expand their research to enhance one’s understanding of the relationship between organizational characteristics and quality of

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