Summary Of Paley's Argument From Design

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The argument from design discusses the complexity of the universe as it was created by an all-powerful, omniscient being. This argument was devised by philosopher William Paley and has been disputed by many theorists over time, one of which being Bertrand Russell. In this paper I will discuss whether Paley’s argument from design turns on the rationalization of an all-encompassing creator or of evidence of scientific adaptation. Russell’s view on the complexity and functionality of the universe corresponds with Darwin’s theory of evolution. He opposes the argument from design, which states that “everything in the world is made just so that we can manage to live in it, and if the world was ever so little different, we could not manage to live in it.” ( ) He instead believes that there is no validity in the theory of God’s interference with the evolution of living beings. Alternatively, creatures have adapted to be more complex over time in order to fit the environment in which they live. This has nothing to do with an ultimate design created by an omniscient being, but rather natural selection and the process by which animals and humans learn to survive in their environment.…show more content…
Just as a watch is so intricately designed that one can rationally assume it has been designed by an intelligent watch-maker, the complexity of our universe implies the existence of an all-powerful, omniscient universe maker. ( ) The world could not have functioned as it has if everything were not made to be a certain way, not unlike a watch could not work if its respective parts were a different size or shape. ( ) Paley may argue against Russell’s view on evolution with the claim that God created the universe with the knowledge of an ever-changing environment. With this understanding, He would have designed all creatures with the ability to change and adapt to their environment over

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