Therapeutic Relationships In Health And Social Care

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Establishing a Therapeutic Relationship with Mr Drover. Holistic nursing theories, concentrate on the meaning of a health experience. They are used as a guide in nurse-person therapeutic relationship (NPTR) to aid individuals, creating a productive way of understanding and responding to difficult health situation. A therapeutic relationship aims on appraising a person’s health situation and quality of life from the client’s perspective. It is an important consideration in promoting client centred approaches (Arnold & Boggs, 2011). The aim of this essay is to understand and analyse issues face by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders regarding their health. In addition, from the case study of Mr Drover, holistic and cultural health needs will…show more content…
This relationship is based on mutual trust and respect, nurturing of faith and hope, being sensitive to self and others (Pullen & Mathias, 2010). Holistic care is focused on healing the whole person through the unity of body, mind, spirit and emotion. By focusing the care on Mr Drover, this helps enhance his health and possibly a fast recovery. The most important factor in developing an effective and positive therapeutic relationship with Mr Drover is through communication. Communication is an active dynamic process involves expressing of a message and the receiver indicates that the message has been received (Arnold & Boggs, 2011). Regarding Mr Drover, nurse should consider his age, respecting the eldest is significant in his culture, which will contribute to a trustworthy relationship. For example, the nurse should ask, what title he prefers to be called by, and also needs to ask one question at a time, acknowledge his feelings and emotions. As English is his second language, therefore the nurse should consider using clear, simple words and provide information in small segments, for Mr Drover to understand the information…show more content…
Short and open-ended questions should also be used to allow the patient time to reply. If needed seek help from clinical services for translators who are also to help ease the burden for Mr Drover since English is his second language. Touching is regarded to be inappropriate; if it’s the first time you meet the patient. Avoid cross‐gender eye contact unless the patient initiates and is comfortable in the clinical setting. In conclusion, the main thing reflected by the formation of these discussions is to be aware of the influence of our services but directed towards the Aboriginal and Torres Strait people. For cultural safety practice, awareness and sensitivity of cultural differences is significant in maintaining a Nurse-Person Therapeutic

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