Multidisciplinary Team Working

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For the purpose of this assignment I am going to write a reflective journal, relating to relationships that develop in care work, interpersonal issues that can arise in care work, my personal effectiveness and resources I can utilise to improve practise. I will reflect on my observations and my experience of record keeping, recording and on procedures and structures within my workplace setting. While I was on my work placement there was a number of relationships with individuals I came into contact with. While there is respect and trust in relationships, they are at different levels. Multidisciplinary Team My relationship with the multidisciplinary team was professional. There was open communication. The multidisciplinary care aims to ensure…show more content…
It was built on support and guidance. There should be open communication and feedback allowed on issues of concern. The relationship between the healthcare assistant and management should be confidential. Staff The relationship with staff is to support one another in work. The healthcare assistant needs to be able to work effectively with colleagues inside and outside of healthcare in order to deliver a high standard of care and to ensure patient safety. The healthcare assistant must develop skills to work in multi-disciplinary teams. This involves respecting the skills and contributions of colleagues. It is also important that the healthcare assistant protects patients from harm posed by another colleague’s behaviour, performance or health. They should take steps to raise any concerns with the appropriate person. Clients The relationship with the client is based on trust, respect and care. Interpersonal skills such as attitude, empathy, compassion, sensitivity, humour and attentiveness are skills that the healthcare assistant require. Effective communication is central to work with the client, it is a two way process which develops and cements relationships. It involves listening, questioning, understanding and responding. A friendly and caring attitude will help to gain a client’s trust and respect, which in turn will facilitate good interpersonal relationships. Building a relationship with the client helps in their recovery…show more content…
Some patients show verbal aggression, such as threats and physical aggression such as agitation. Other disturbances are wandering, hoarding, pacing and rummaging. The environment should be structured to prevent conditions leading to disruptive behaviours. Controlling the temperature, activities, providing stimulation and social contact are ways to improve the environment. Healthcare assistants should be flexible in adjusting daily routines of patients and environment based on the person’s habits and identity. Flexibility in mealtimes and type of food, sleep time and bathing can reduce conflict and disruptive behaviour. Careful listening to a dementia patient even when the information is not clear frequently gives positive results. The treatment of patients with dementia is often problematic and may be fraught with difficult decisions for healthcare workers and family. There are a number of conflicts and dilemmas that often arise as family members challenge unacceptable changes in their parent or

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