Integrated Development Planning

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Introduction In this assignment the focus is on whether the IDP of Liphalale municipality is credible, its budget is aligned with the projects and whether public participation have been followed in terms of Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 chapter 4. Integrated development planning in the South African context is amongst others an approach to planning aimed at involving the municipality and the community to jointly find the best solutions towards sustainable development. IDP is the result of a number of planning processes and comprises of a five year period which correlates to the term of the political incumbents. Furthermore, integrated development planning provides a strategic environment for managing and guiding all planning, development…show more content…
Department of Provincial and Local Government (DPLG), viewed participation as an open and accountable process through which individuals and groups within selected communities can exchange views and influence decision-making (Kimemia: 2007). Public participation is largely viewed as a democratic process for engaging people in decision-making, planning and generally allowing them to play an active part in their development and service delivery. Purpose of public participation According to the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), participation in development is critical for the post-apartheid project because “Development is not about the delivery of goods to a passive citizenry. It is about active involvement and growing empowerment”. In relation to the IDP, public participation is expected to deepen local democracy, boost legitimacy, enhance longer-term planning and strengthen development initiatives. Without public participation the municipality might get the public needs wrong and deliver white…show more content…
The documents were placed for 21 consecutive days, for the public to have chance to participate. However there is no indication on whether people were able to access those documents or in what numbers. Different mechanism for public participation were used including IDP Rep Forum and media. Traditional authorities take part in the development of the IDP. The planning process necessitated that various meetings were held with communities, wards, government departments, organizations and institutions through the established IDP structures; indicates the relevant meetings/activities that were held throughout the IDP Review process, the composition of the meetings, the number of meetings held and the purpose thereof. Three council meetings, five IDP steering committee meeting and three IDP representation meetings were held on a regular basis at predetermined dates and giving participants sufficient notice of such meetings. The composition of the meetings was done to suit the local circumstances of the villages and wards to ensure that sufficient representation and participation on local level is

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