Mental Health Care Analysis

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The problem with mental health care currently is that many people in need of treatment are not able to get it due to their situations financially, mentally, or physically. In the article “Integrated Primary Care: Why You Should Care and How to Get Started,” Mark E. Vogel, an Associate Professor of Family Medicine and an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Michigan State University, writes about the research and ideas of integrated care. While the mental health care system provides many services, there are people who are not able to get treatment or maintain their treatment (Vogel et al). Due to problems in the healthcare industry, many people can not start or continue treatment for their mental health issues. The services are here…show more content…
Through collaborative efforts between doctors, patients can receive their suitable type of treatment. Vogel further explains the ideas of integrated care and states that integrated care can be a success through collaboration and further research to provide patients the best possible care (Vogel et al). This means that integrated care can make an impact on the healthcare system if done properly. Integrated care provides a way for people to get help from a primary care provider and mental health care provider. Vogel further explains the purpose and benefits of integrated care and states that since mental and physical problems are connected, using the primary care system will give patients more access to mental health facilities and doctors (Vogel et al). This shows that integrated care gives the opportunity for patients to get the proper treatment they need with the help of their primary care…show more content…
Using reimbursements, insurance, and programs that support patients with their financial situations will reduce these costs in integrated care. “Accessing behavioral health resources though primary-care providers,” further explains integrated care costs and states, “According to the consulting firm Milliman, integrating behavioral and medical care could save the industry $26 billion to $48 billion” (“Accessing behavioral health resources though primary-care providers”). This statistic supports the argument that integrated care is more affordable than regular care. Integrated care will benefit the industry and the patients in the long run due to the ways facilities can reduce costs. Costs will also be reduced due to the collaboration between doctors, facilities, etc. In the article, “7 Ways to Improve the Performance of an Integrated Care Network,” Keith D. Moore, CEO at McManis Consulting and Dean C. Coddington, a senior consultant at McManis Consulting, explain the common goal of making integrated care affordable and states: “The business premise is that, by working together, a network of physicians, hospitals, care coordinators, and other providers can reduce the total healthcare costs of a specific population of patients to the payer, and that the members of the network then can divide up a share of the reduced costs” (Moore and
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