Land Use Planning Case Study

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1.0 Introduction In assessing the role of Land Use Planning (LUP) it is critical to first understand the concept. LUP is defined as " a systematic and iterative procedure carried out in order to create an enabling environment for sustainable development of land resources which meets people’s needs and demands. It assesses the physical, socio-economic, institutional and legal potentials and constraints with respect to an optimal and sustainable use of land resources, and empowers people to make decisions about how to allocate those resources”. (FAO/UNEP1999: 14). The second concept to be cognizant of is Natural Resource Management (NRM) which is defined as "integrated management of natural resources recognizing the values of both their conservation…show more content…
Techniques and tools that are used to achieve protection and preservation of natural resources include zoning, participation involvement, GIS analysis, etc. From the steps identified above its evident that land use planning/ plans is incorporated into natural resource management. 3.0 Contribution of Land Use Planning to Natural Resource Management As mentioned LUP is a key element that aids effective management of natural resource. Contributions of LUP to NRM include: • It aids in developing plans that are unbiased as it takes into account biological, economic and social objectives. • It can also help to clarify tenure issues. • By encouraging participatory involvement it may prevent land use conflicts as well as social conflicts in the long run. • If it is integrated into the institutional set-up it may help to improve law enforcement • Used as a tool for decision making. 4.0 Approach Land Use Planning employs to aid the Management of Natural…show more content…
This links to need for baseline information. It is imperative to study what resources are present, where are they located, how much is present and what are they going to be used for, before they be effectively managed. 4.2 Analysis of data, prognosis and development of scenarios, planning of future land uses. At this point the use of suitable technologies such as GIS can be use. For example GIS can be use to overlay appropriate maps to determine areas of sensitivity that could potentially result in conflict. 4.3 Political decision-making. Once data has analyzed decision makers can then in turn use it to make well informed, unbiased decision. At this point it would be key to sectoral integration as land use planning cut across so many spectrum, for instance it involves the mining sector. the forestry sector, tourism sector, etc. Sectoral integration allows for comprehensive planning and management rather than in a piecemeal fashion. 4.4 Transformation of the plans and programs into law or normative regulations, implementation, and control that have to be applied on different levels and scales (national, regional,

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