Career Planning Strategies

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8. Career Planning and Development Career planning and development refer to the assistance given to employees, to help them plan for, execute and manage their career development within an organization. Some organizations may link the career progress of their members to succession planning. Innovative career planning and development strategies include (Agarwala, 2003): • developing career paths • providing fast-track career plans • providing mentors to employees • cross-functional career paths • providing mentors to employees • career counseling 9. Performance Appraisals Performance management is the process linking goal setting and rewards, coaching for performance, aspects of career development and performance evaluation and appraisal into…show more content…
Succession Planning This is a management development program aimed at filling specific positions with one of two potential candidates. Innovative succession planning strategies include (Agarwala, 2003): • identifying replacements • provision of fall-back positions in case of failure • preparing to assume higher responsibility 12. Employee Relations As firms seek to empower and include employees in the organization, they ought to treat their employees with concern through effective internal communication flows; enhancement of the quality of work life; good labor relations; and health, welfare and safety programs. Innovative employee relations strategies include (Agarwala, 2003): • information sharing • open and transparent communication • family get-togethers • humanizing work environment • respecting employees • ensuring fairness in management practices • encouraging risk-taking 13. Employee Exit and Separation Management Employee exit and separation management refers to the planning, facilitation and management of the departure of employees from an organization. Exit and separation may be initiated by employees themselves; by the state, though retirement; or by firms conducting specific 'decruitment' activities such as downsizing and skills…show more content…
Issues As the management of human resources is seen increasingly in terms of competitive advantage, the question that arises is, what must be done to gain this advantage? The answer is: strategic business change, with human resource processes at its core. Before the 1990s, attempts to coordinate human resource management with a firm’s business strategy had taken one of three limited appoarches: correlating managerial style or personnel activities with strategies; predicting manpower requirements based on strategic objectives or environmental conditions, and discovering ways to assimilate human resource management into the comprehensive attempt to equalize strategy and structure (Lengnick-hall and Lengnick-hall, 1988). Since the early 1990s, however, the call has been made to integrate the management of human resources with business strategy all the more. Rather than existing in a vacuum, the human resource activities in a firm are now expected to directly support business strategy and the satisfaction of customer
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