Essay On Successful Entrepreneur

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INTRODUCTION Traits and Qualities of a successful entrepreneur is the differentiating factor, from any average entrepreneur. Owing to the increase in the multitude of offerings and products in the market, finding profitable ventures need not only a good idea/business plan, but also the proper frame of mind and business acumen to execute the idea. Some traits are acquired with years of experience, whereas some qualities are innate such as having an intuition about the viability of the idea after scanning the market and relying on the intuition enough to act on it. However entrepreneurs acting on an intuition are generally risk takers. Competencies and qualities of an entrepreneur again do not work in isolation, because successful entrepreneurs are always proactive, they do things before they have to, and are socially committed and responsible. More often than not, one of the traits that are omnipresent in all the successful entrepreneurs is non-conformity, which is why they are capable of bringing changes that impact lives of common people. Successful entrepreneurs generally require very low support and are efficient enough to work alone, unless otherwise necessary. As far as…show more content…
This paper is about Entrepreneur Scan (E-Scan): an objective tool for self-reflection for entrepreneurs and those who wish to start a business of their own. E-Scan provides insight into necessary traits and capabilities for entrepreneurship, Based on a literature study about granting of credit to starting entrepreneurs, Brinkman (2000) concludes that starters are discriminated compared to entrepreneurs of existing and large businesses concerning financing possibilities. Financiers perceive starting companies to have a higher perceived risk, relatively high contract- and observing costs, insufficient guarantee and no track record according to entrepreneurial
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