Importance Of International Logistics

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The successful company necessarily raises the question about one of the most strategic aspects - entering foreign markets. This becomes extremely important in the era of globalization of the world economy, which is characterized by the formation of a global economic space and the creation of a single market of production and distribution of wealth. The emergence and rapid development of international logistics systems (ILS) is a manifestation of globalization, a process most directly affecting the world economy and the economic activity of international companies. The subject of this research paper is economic, managerial and organizational relations connected with the formation, operation and optimization of logistics systems in the foreign…show more content…
These procedures facilitate the movement of capital, goods, and information across national boundaries. At the same time, we can assume that all restrictions on the development of global logistics cannot be removed. There are many barriers, due to various reasons, including political systems, different levels of economic and social development of the countries. Such barriers exist, such as between the EU and Eastern Europe, the EU and Russia, the US and the EU, the US and Mexico, the EU and Central Asia, the US and Japan. In addition, the global logistics need to consider competition on a larger scale, restrictions on the distribution networks of transnational corporations and others (Bouchard,…show more content…
This is supply chain management, which controls its own technology, resources and facilities, and other logistics companies, which are in cooperative relationships in order to offer its customers a complete set of solutions for the supply chain. Thus, the logistics provider of the 4th level controls all organizational and information processes in the supply chain and enables the use of outsourcing by applying the Best Practice for individual processes to improve the performance of the entire network. 4PL manage all business with the involvement of other logistics companies. They develop a single solution for managing complex networks or individual processes within the network (Norall,

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